Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hey y'all! You know I haven't posted anything here since 2006? Whoa! That's a really long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. There are lots of reasons for this...which I won't bore you with. But this dude whose name is either Tripp or Garin D. (or maybe both) stumbled into my psychotic world and posted a comment. I think he's from Australia because he said, "G'day", which is Australian for "bugger off"...I think. Anyway, he commented and it was a nice comment too, which is unusual for me.

Thanks, Garin D. Tripp! I appreciate the kindness. And now I have you, trapped in a world of delusional rantings and opium dreams. Well, not really opium dreams. I only said that because I thought it sounded funny. I've never smoked opium. As far as you know.

But to my point. I have another blog which I have also failed to post in, but that one has posts from 2008, so at least its marginally more relevant to today's modern world of the future of tomorrow (like EPCOT). Since I don't have time to post in two blogs, but have a little tiny urge to post in one occasionally thanks to Crocodile Garin D., I'll post a link here to the other one over there (it's at Live Journal, btw). And then maybe, just maybe, I'll start posting again.

Or go back to sucking down brown liquor by the gallon. One or the other.

Here's the link for those who care (hi Mom!):